The University THEOLOGY &  SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF FLORIDA USA INC is the realization of a dream of decades of transformations of Christian education with quality. This study was made possible by a study carried out in 2006. This study was presented to ITS-USA directors through a project called “Christian University”, which received unanimous approval by the directors and members for an unforgettable and courageous fight until achieve victory.

Already in the initial pages of the project, the intentions of our Institution were clearly recorded: redemption of Christian moral and intellectual values through an education associated with Christian culture and traditions.

Meeting our intentions, we try to treat each student in a personalized way, with dignity and justice. We offer the student a level of education of the best quality, the development of their cultural skills and the opportunity to better know and value their roots. As a complement to their educational process, we expect each student to be firmly committed to the University, to absolute respect for their teachers, colleagues and other people in the Academic Community.

The accuracy of our methodology has been proven by the excellent results achieved by the graduated students and postgraduates by us.

I invite you, to whom I dedicated this message, to know our Institution. We are installed in an environment of wonderful and tranquilizing green, having permanent contact with Nature.

It will be a pleasure to have you with us in the ideal of developing our university concepts, the practices of involvement with the society in which we are inserted and having a Academic Community in permanent process of specialization.

Here you will promote your self – development, enjoy our cultural programs, and earn your name registered in the historic pages of the glorious ITS – USA.

A hug,

President of Mantenedora